Pacific Coast Numismatic Society - Official PCNS Homepage


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About PCNS

PCNS exists to promote, develop, and foster Numismatics in all its branches along educational, historical, and scientific lines, and to provide opportunities for collectors to share in an organization of mutual interest and good fellowship.

PCNS hosting the ANA at the SF Mint in 1915
 PCNS hosted the ANA's 1915 visit
 to the San Francisco Mint during PPIE

PCNS was founded in 1915 by Farran Zerbe with a group of San Francisco collectors, when Zerbe came West to supervise the US Mint Exhibit at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition.

PCNS hosted the ANA Convention in San Francisco that year. At that time, there were no other coin organizations in the American Wes..

PCNS continues to be a gathering place for studious numismatists of San Francisco, the Pacific Coast region, and beyond.


PCNS monthly meetings feature presentations on numismatic topics ranging from US coins, tokens, and medals to Ancient, Medieval, and Modern World coinage, currency, exonumia, and San Francisco tokens and history.

Meetings are held on Zoom so that all members may attend and take part from anywhere in the World.

Archived issues of our monthly newsletter, The Bulletin, and our official Meeting Minutes provide a record of our activities and programs.

Program Videos & Awards

PCNS monthly programs are viewable as online videos from Spring 2020 to the present. Starting in 2024, PCNS presents awards for Best Presentation of the previous year. All you need do is present your program in a PCNS monthly meeting to be eligible for consideration.

Research & Publishing

PCNS sponsors an Annual Papers Contest for numismatic writers, publishing the submissions on this website for everyone to read. PCNS Papers from 2012 through 2024 are available to read online.

ANA Member Club logo

PCNS members receive meeting invitations, programs, Papers, and advance notice of new medals and publications, including the monthly newsletters. Many illustrious numismatists have been PCNS members. Consider adding your name to that list with a PCNS membership.

We invite you to take part in the traditions of the first numismatic group of the American West!